Find Your Passion In Your Work When Buying A Business
The most common comments I hear from business buyers are “What is a good business to buy?
I am open to any business that can make me money” They also bring up this question whenever they find any company that looks interesting. “Is this a good industry to be in?” What they are not getting is that every industry is a great industry for the few doing well and a terrible industry for the rest of the world. I would say that 50% of all business owners just barely get by, 30% do average, and 20% of the business owners make a profit that they are proud of. It has nothing to do with what industry it is but everything to do with the management of the company.
So if it is all about the management, how do you know if you are going to be good top management material?
Well there are several things.
Let’s review some of those traits. Read more